October 17, 2024

Five benefits of long distance relationships you didn’t know

A long distance relationship not only tests your love but it also how faithful you can be to your partner. Regardless of what separates you from your partner, be it a job in a different town or studying purposes, keeping the fire ablaze can be a daunting task.

Unlike popular opinion where most relationships are unable to endure the test of time and space, sometimes the long distance could be what you need to keep the fire burning. If you are in doubt about the benefits of a long distance relationship, here are some you should know:

Promotes personal growth

Having your partner around all the time could lead to increased dependence without even realizing. While it might feel good to have your partner with you physically, it might stunt your growth as an individual. You could lose your individuality with most of your behaviour being unconciously defined by your partner.

Being together all the time can make it hard to make sound decisions without feeling like you have to consult or involve your partner. While long distance relationships may take away the aspect of being a pair, it could help your personal growth. You might now be in a position to discover who you are as an individual and be the strong and capable partner your relationship needs.

Promotes communication

In long distance relationships communication is everything 

It is said the basis of a good relationship is communication. Physical proximity to your partner could lead to ignoring issues or others going unsaid. This if left unchecked could lead to a break in the bond. Long distance relationships can offer a solution to this as communication is the very basis of the union. The need to talk about anything and everything while dating long distance could strengthen the relationship.

Builds emotional bonds

This might be the greatest benefit of being in a long distance relationship. Unlike relationships where partners are close by and readily available, a long distance relationship will help in strengthening your emotional bond with your partner. You will spend more time actually getting to know each other, becoming more in tune with the others feelings making it easier to predict your partner’s behavior and tell when they are not themselves. This is one of the biggest wins you can have since it gives you the opportunity to truly be supportive of your partner.

Learn to appreciate shared moments

it will teach you to appreciate the moments you spend together 

It is easy to take the moments you share with your partner for granted when they are always constantly around. This is because you don’t get to miss them or yearn spending time with them. These moments may not seem like much but when you are in a long distance relationship you learn to appreciate the moments you share with your partner more.

The long distance will teach you and your partner how to not only appreciate the moments you spend together but to also appreciate one another. In the process your love grows and you get to give your relationship the attention it deserves.

Tests your love

When your partner is always around, everything is great. You get to spend time together, build a family and probably even buy a house. This is until one of you gets a job transfer and all hell breaks loose. People who are used to having their partners close by have a harder time dealing with long distance relationships, they  will feel lonely and find it hard to cope which can lead to cheating and ultimately separation.

This, for long distance relationships, is a free pass because the relationship is defined by the distance itself. You know how to navigate tough times and low moments in a relationship, which is the end goal for a relationship, to experience true love.