October 5, 2024

A Continuous Story: “THE STORY OF MY LIFE” Episode 1

Episode 1

My name is Mary, a 27 years old lady born in Africa. I have enjoyed my young age with my loving and careering parents and one lovely young sister Bella! Our home was a little heaven on earth because our parents did their best to make our childhood enjoyable and perfect, They provided everything we could ask for as long as we performed well at school. Even though we were spoiled by them, discipline; education as well as helping with house chores involved in our daily life liking it or not! that’s an African home.”

My mom was my best friend since I was young, I couldn’t manage to keep any secret from her as she was also good in retrieving words from mouth. She had been telling me and my little sister that she is able to read our minds and we believed it that way, the power of an African mom! For that reason we feared to keep a secret, any mistake or bad actions we did till we go and tell her ourselves. This helped alot in believing our mom and be free to tell her anything good or bad because even though she could be upset with our mistakes, she could sit down and advise us with a caring voice.

At my 13 years old, I graduated from my primary school and since I was among the students with good grades, I was chosen to join one of the best high school in my country. I was very excited to be a high school girl till I found out the school was far away from my home and the only option was to be in boarding. I never imagined a life without my parents around me and this was the hardest thing to do in my life.

I could miss the way my father loved me and protected me always, he was my best friend same as the best man I know on this planet. Everyone home was happy with me for getting that school but also insecure on how I will survive far from them….they wondered if I was going to be fine or if I will be able to choose good friends and especially my dad was worried about not being able to control boys who could come near me with bad or even good intentions! It was a hard time of my family but I already had one month before I leave for the boarding school, so everyday among the 30 days was very valuable and I wanted to make it memorable.

To be continued…..