March 12, 2025

A Continuous Story: “THE STORY OF MY LIFE” Episode3

As my friend Angela wasn’t feeling well, I went to check on her after the preps where I made a great conversation with Peter though I wasn’t comfortable. As close friends me and Angela did not hide anything to each other, I told her how it went with Peter and she was teasing me on how maybe Peter likes me. Surely I didn’t give a thought to what my friend said because Firstly I didn’t believe it or even imagined that it can happen, Secondly “High School love Never Exists” that’s what my parents tell me everyday. So there was no way I could even think more about what Angela told me.

Later on, I reached in my pre-final year and I couldn’t wait to graduate in the next year! High School life has taught me alot socially, not everything was good though, I have learnt to be strong in bad days and to learn from my mistakes. Angela’s friendship made it easy for me when I was sad or needed someone to talk with. Also as a kid of an African family they taught me to pray God cause he is able to carry you in any trouble you may be in. Going on with the studies I chose to follow Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, remember at first math was not an easy subject for me and Angela but Peter made sure that we like it and that’s how we chose it among our main subjects. At this time Peter was in his final year, we treated him like our big brother cause we were very used to each other and many times he used to advise us in positive ways, no doubt he was a great guy.

So there reached the send off party for the final year students, no one wished to miss that party as it used to be the best party among others in the school year. We were to say goodbye to our final year friends where Peter was on the first list of all the people we could miss cause he had been very helpful to us in all ways. Usually this was an enjoyable day to everyone but it became a sad day to us thinking of how our good friend was going to leave us, same way he was happy to finish his high school but not happy leaving us behind. Despite that, we enjoyed the party till late, me and Angela started dozing and we decided to go to sleep then Peter escorted us as it was late at night and it wasn’t secure for girls to walk alone with the party moods. When we were almost to the girls dormitory, he shacked our hands wishing us a good night but when I checked in my hand I found a peace of paper that he handed to me while holding my hand and left immediately……..I stood there for a while wondering what was going on till Angela pulled me inside, I showed her the paper and we decided to open it immediately! surprisingly it was a short letter Peter wrote for me!

Dear Mary

I remember the first time I laid my eyes on you when you were still a newcomer, I felt something inside my heart which was a good feeling but decided to hide it since I didn’t know how you could react when I tell you my heart. When you and Angela approached me to help you with your studies i said thank God this is the best time to express my feeling to you..I will never forget that night when we made stories about our families, I found that you are a very innocent girl who deserve a great guy. I kept my feelings to myself because I was afraid to ruin the friendship we had and still I wasn’t sure that I am the great guy that you need. But today I decided to tell you my true feelings towards you through this letter, Mary I LOVE YOU and this love I have for is so pure, strong, selfless and forever. I am not sure of the way you feel about me but I wish this feeling is mutual, please give me the chance to be the lucky guy in whole world to hold your hands forever looking at your lovely beauty and smile.

Yours truly,


Me and Angela remained speechless after reading this letter till our sleeps went away! “WHAT WAS THE REPLY I WAS SUPPOSED TO GIVE PETER?” that’s the question which kept running through my mind.

To be Continued……