After accepting Peter’s proposal, I went back with mixture of feelings because ofcourse I was happy to be with him but I was also afraid of what will happen when my parents will come to know about it. After reaching on my bed, I found Angela(my best friend) there sitting; she didn’t seem to be happy and I didn’t know the reason why she could feel that way in time I could be the one to be mad at her for lying to Peter. I tried to talk to her, she couldn’t talk instead she started crying…I was confused seriously, I asked her what was wrong then she said “Mary, you are my best friend and I don’t wish to loose you because you mean alot to me; you did soo many things to help me as a friend you are perfect seriously and me…..I think I didn’t behave as a true friend but I just want you to understand me this once….I told Peter all those things because I wanted to protect you, I never wish to see you hurt because of a boy; I know it wasn’t a good idea to say what I said but forgive me please. I never told you about this but once I was in a relationship with this guy who was my neighbour, I knew him well since we were young in primary that’s why I accepted his proposal without hesitating. Everything was smooth and well, he was caring; good looking; loving….. though we were young I used to think that he is the man of my life! little did I know what was to follow, One day during holidays I was to meet him in our usual meeting place and as always we used to be punctual because we couldn’t wait to meet each other. I reached there first and waited for him to be there but one hour later there was no sign of him, I was afraid that maybe something bad happened to him…when it started to be dark I decided to go home because I waited for a very long time; on the way home I decided to pass to their house to confirm if my love was fine…..when I was almost near to their gate I was shocked to see him coming out with another girl holding her hands..they looked soo much in love and I am sure this boy never looked at me the same way he was looking at her. I couldn’t believe what I saw, I didn’t know what to do next but I decided to be strong and turn to my way back home; I was soo heartbroken though it took me time to forget about him but I decided to never love again. Mary that’s why I talked to peter, I never wish to see you heartbroken as I was sometime back because I know how it feels.”
After hearing what my best friend went through I felt so bad and now I can see that she didn’t have bad intentions when she told Peter bad things about me, Bestfriend are there to defend, care each other and that’s what she did. I hugged her for long…we couldn’t stop crying…after sometime I told her how it went with Peter and how I accepted his request….and I told her how I have mixed feeling about the relationship because am scared of my parents plus I didn’t want anyone to know about my relationship..I was very shy about it!! but why??!! The following day we were supposed to go back home, Peter waited for me at the gate of the shcool to say goodbye as we were going to spend a long time without meeting and he was done with his high school….Everytime I thought how I won’t be meeting him at school…I felt really bad because I was very used to him.. he was my best friend, my mentor, my advisor on top of that he was now my boyfriend!!……he was everything and I will miss him alot!! Me and Angela we carried our bags and went towards the gate leaving the school, I spotted Peter when we were still far..surely I didn’t know how to behave when I face him!! He came and helped us with our bags(ooh yes he was a gentleman!!)..Actually him and Angela didn’t talk after that incident, so Angela decided to say sorry to him and we were good again three of us…..It was departure time and I was to say goodbye to Peter, I never hugged a man in a cloud before..it felt strange but I did it and we promised to be talking or meet as we get a chance…..he gave me a paper with the phone numbers on it and a drawn heart!, I smiled and waved goodbye! My father came to pick me from school but thank God he didn’t see me hugging a man that could be my end!! I missed everyone home, I hugged them and ofcourse the following thing as an african home, they will ask the Marksheet! Peter helped me alot I have improved my marks in Mathematics and my father was soo happy about it, It was Christmas and new year holiday…the long holiday we ever get! I went to arrange my things in my room and surprisingly I found that letter Peter wrote for me….ofcourse I read it again! After that I kept it on my table while arranging the rest of my stuffs…it was time for dinner and they called me…they cooked my favourite food and I was soo happy…I ate alot till the stomach was paining!!…..I started feeling sleepy, my eyes was heavy because of the journey, I went immediately in my bed and slept.
The next day my mom came to wake me up, I slept alot till late but when I woke up I found my mom holding a paper in her hands…….oohh nooo It can’t be that letter!! I didn’t know what to say but I was supposed to tell my mom the truth because though she was my mom and I respected her, she was my friend too. Mom said: ” Mary I want to know every detail about this later and don’t lie to me, you know I can read your mind honey!!” in my mind I was saying…I am deadd!! The best thing, they knew about Peter because I introduced him to my parents on one visiting day at school and they liked him cause he seemed to be a nice guy plus he was helping me in my studies……But that wasn’t the reason I could give an African mom who warned me to never have a boyfriend or be in love with anyone till I finish my high school…..WHAT WILL I EXPLAIN TO MOM..????
To be continued….
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