March 12, 2025

Africa Data Science Intensive (DSI) Program 2020 for African Students (Fully-funded)

The Africa Data Science Intensive (DSI) program is a hands-on skills training data science course based on solving real-world problems.

Application Deadline: 31st May 2020.

About the Award: Big Data, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence are driving a revolution around the world as companies rush to take advantage of their data and turn it into a competitive advantage. However there is a shortage of skilled data scientists and managers worldwide and this shortage is much worse in Africa.
In this program, participants will master the data science process, from statistics and data wrangling, to advanced topics like machine learning and data storytelling, by working on real projects.

Type: Training

Eligibility: Honours, Master’s or PhD in Science, Engineering or Mathematics or equivalent industry experience.

Eligible Countries: African countries

To be Taken at (Country): Cape Town, SA

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: Full awards covering course tuition and travel and living expenses to attend the 2-week workshop are available for qualifying African students. Also,

  • Exposure to the latest algorithms and techniques in data science: covering topics in Big Data (BD), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Under the expert guidance of our team of PhDs and MBAs: as lecturers and tutors, you will receive a mix of lectures and tutorials covering the core aspects of data science.
  • Team work: the majority of your time will be spent working in small teams to solve real-world problems, giving you deep, hands-on experience with cutting edge algorithms while equipping you with the skills to contribute effectively as part of a dynamic, agile team.
  • Emphasis on real-world skills: including management of data science projects; cleaning of data; and business problem solving skills.
  • The solutions you generate: will be presented to industry experts who will give real feedback, helping further sharpen your readiness for the real world.
  • Networking events: giving you the opportunity to network with potential employers.

Duration of Award:

  • September to November 2020 and January 2021
  • 11 weeks (3 x 3-week online modules and 1 x 2-week workshop in Cape Town)

How to Apply: Applications are now OPEN. Click to apply

  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for Details