March 12, 2025

Call for PhD Scholarships Application in Biotechnology

I. Background

The University of Rwanda, in partnership with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) has received funding (ARES-PFS2020 Rwanda) from the “Académie de Recherche et de l’Enseignement
Supérieur (ARES) », to support the biotechnology development in Rwanda in partnership with
biotechnology companies Promega Corporation (Madison, USA) and Eppendorf (Hamburg,

II. Role and description

Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and
rare diseases, stop the outbreak of infectious diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, relieve
poverty, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, provide clean drinking water, protect
biological diversity on land and in aquatic ecosystems; and have safer, cleaner, and more efficient
industrial manufacturing processes. While there is general appreciation of the potential of the impact
of each aspect of biotechnology, this field has been and will always be in increasing need in Rwanda.
With the creation of UR and increasing human resource capability development in biotechnology
and life sciences in general, there is opportunity to explore biotechnology advances to contribute to
the national and global agendas including NST1, Vision 2050 and SDGs. Further, there is prospect
of encourage innovation and possibility for spin-off business in biotechnology sector, thus
contributing to National economy. To do so, we must ensure that biotechnology research and
services have appropriate tools and policies in place. The tools and policies may include reliable
research packages, research grant opportunities, postgraduate programs that train the next generation
of scientists and biotechnology incubator labs among and others.

III. Call for application

The UR-ULB collaboration programme is pleased to announce the availability of sandwich fellowships for three PhD positions in biotechnology; One in either of the following areas: Health,
Agriculture, and Environment.

IV. Funding

Each selected candidate will be entitled to four months’ stipend per year to pursue his research
activities during four years in one of the project partner institution in Belgium. Candidates will only
receive local research expenses supported by the project, not stipend.

V. Application requirements

Applicants should:

− Be of Rwandan nationality
Hold a master’s degree in the field related to the specific area of the PhD training

VI. Application file

The interested candidates should submit the following documents:

− A motivation letter indicating/justifying the specific PhD fellowship in the three areas
(health, agriculture, or environment) applying for.
− A curriculum vitae (CV)
− Notified copies of previous degrees
− Two recommendation letters from academic senior staffs, one preferably from the Master’s
− Transcripts of Master’s degree programme

VII. Selection methodology

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview on dates that will be communicated through

VIII. How to apply and key dates

A copy of complete application file should be submitted by email to the UR-CPGS officer at / with a copy to Prof. Léon Mutesa
( ), Prof. Jacob Souopgui ( ) and Dr. Jean-Pierre
Munyampundu (

Note: A candidate should submit only one application

Application should be submitted not later than 30th April 2021.

For more information, contact:

1. The project contact: Professor Léon Mutesa at , Phone: 0788451013;
Professor Jacob Souopgui at or Dr Jean-Pierre; Munyampundu at, Phone: 0784283834.