VACANCY NOTICE Open to Internal and External Candidates Position Title : Data Processing Assistant (2 positions) Organizational Unit : Medical Department Duty...
Job description Participate in the preparation of various strategic plans of the sector; Consolidate the action plans from...
Job description Test, and report the systems related issues to the supervisor; To participle actively with other technical staff...
JOB ADVERTISEMENT Background HAGURUKA is a non-governmental organization registered under Rwandan Law. We work towards empowering women and children to...
Vacancy Announcement: KIGALI-2022-004 The Embassy of the United States of America in Kigali is recruiting for one position of REGISTERED NURSE. The...
RwandAir Catering Ltd is a fast-growing in-flight catering company in Rwanda and started its operations from August 2014 and has...
RwandAir Limited is the flag carrier airline of Rwanda. It operates domestic and international services to East Africa, Central Africa,...
Job Description 1. Health and Sanitation Officer 5 Positions Job description Implement the District’s strategy on community health and sanitation...
Job Opportunities Project profile Project title: Bienfait Project Location of the project: Karongi District, Western Province Closing date: January 12,...
Animal Production and Genetics Specialist Job description • Coordinating and facilitating planning, implementation and reporting on projects and programs for...