March 12, 2025

District Field Officers – BUFMAR



BUFMAR is a non-governmental organization created in 1975 by Christians. It is registered, as an NGO in accordance with law No 20/2000 of 26/07/2000 and law No. 04/2012 of 17/02/2012. In 2017 BUFMAR registered in RGB to comply with the then prevailing government requirements. The organizational mission is to contribute to the well-being of the Rwandan population by providing quality health services.

BUFMAR contributes to attainment of the ministry of Health’s strategic objectives through procurement, distribution of quality pharmaceutical products and medical equipment to Health facilities.


BUFMAR received a grant from a Belgian Development Agency/ ENABEL objective is to reinforce capacities of targeted community Health Workers (CHWs) and Health Facility (HF) staff in inventory management of FP/ASRH and MNCH commodities, to reinforce stock management, monitoring, and reporting processes and to institutionalize the monitoring and management of stock for those commodities.

The project will be implemented in health facilities (Hospitals, health centers, secondary health posts) and within the community (through community health workers covering health sectors) in the following seven supported districts; Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi, Gisagara, Gakenke, Rulindo, and Nyarugenge 

Principal duties and responsibilities

To ensue effective implementation of ENABEL project, BUFMAR need to recruit one District supervisor/ officer who will be based in each district of the implementation for period of 2 years non-renewable. The officer will be experienced in any area related to reproductive health, Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health, Maternal child and newborn health, Health commodities, forecasting, procurement, and supply chain management.

The specific responsibilities of the proposed officers will include;

1. Day today coordination of project activities at the decentralized level;

2. Facilitate the  coordination meetings at the District level;

3. Organize the review meetings with JADF at the district level.

4. Participate in the planning process and provide technical support during the planned trainings and mentorship of the health facilities staff and community health workers.

5. Collaborate with District and other key stakeholders to ensure that they are fully engaged in project interventions.

6. Coordinate project activities implementation in the catchment areas (in health facilities of seven Districts of project implementation and within community (CHWS)).

 7. Prepare and submit monthly, quarterly reports from health facilities supported by the project

 8. Participate in monthly and quarterly evaluation of Health Facilities and Community Health Workers.

9. Ensure close follow and support the health facilities to implement of recommendations of the evaluation findings.

10. Actively involved in the documentation of the project best practices or most significant success stories related to project. And among other responsibilities

Required skills and qualifications

  • University graduates in Public Health, Health Education, Nursing, Epidemiology, Community Health, Social Sciences, and other related fields.
  • Relevant experience in decentralized health system
  • Proven experience in health project coordination
  • Experience in system monitoring and reporting
  • Strong experience in data management and analysis skills
  • Fluent in English and Kinyarwanda ;
  • Strong communication skills
  • Time management skills
  • Demonstrate computers skills Microsoft word, Excel, PowerPoint,
  • Ability to collaborate with keys stakeholders at District Health system

4. Job location. 

The District Field Officer will be based in one of BUFMAR’s Districts of Interventions with some visits to Head office in Kigali.

5. How to apply / Application process

Interested candidates who meet the required criteria shall submit their applications including motivation Letter, CV, notified academic certificates, and professional certificates if any. The application should be addressed to Director General of BUFMAR, at Head office located in Gasabo District, Kacyiru Sector, Kamatamu Cell, Urugwiro Village. Well-scanned documents will be sent to: and copy to not later than February 2nd ,2021 at 05:00 pm.