March 12, 2025

Five signs of a healthy relationship

We are social beings and relationships are an important part of our lives.

According to research, those in healthy relationships tend to be happier, live longer and have better outcomes in whatever they engage in.

Although there is no perfect relationship or marriage, if you feel loved, respected and honored by your partner, you might as well be on your way to an almost perfect arrangement.

A Healthy relationship will bring out the best in you and even those around you will see how you irradiate with genuine happiness.
That positive connection must be cemented by spending time together, having your needs met and finding ways to remedy problems that will always arise.

To find out the characteristics of a healthy relationship, keep reading.

1. You trust each other

This is one of the core foundations of a healthy relationship. His or her actions will determine whether or not you can trust them and that is something you need to watch out for.

If they don’t give you a reason to doubt them, the trust will come easily and you won’t have to question their intention no mater what they do or where they are at.

And when you need a shoulder to lean on, they are reliable and readily available.

2. You fight fair

Disagreements are a normal part of life and will always be there unless one of you is pretending or holding back.

Fighting fair involves agreeing to disagree when you don’t see eye to eye, respecting each other, listening and walking away in case things get too heated.

You put each other’s feelings first and when you’re wrong, you do not hesitate to apologize.

3. You can be yourself

Losing yourself in a relationship is not uncommon and can lead to a lot of resentment and feelings of regret especially if you had to stop doing things you enjoyed before you got into the relationship or got married.

With or without the relationship you are your own person and you should not change or stop being who you are to please a partner.
Maintain your identities and accept each other as you are without trying to change each other. Continue with your hobbies, likes, interests and spending time with friends and family.

4. You are happy

If you have been together for a while, evaluate your relationship or marriage to see if you’re still happy. How do you feel? Would you see yourself without your partner? Do you still enjoy spending time together?

When you’re unhappy there is a chance of developing depression and anxiety that may start to affect your mood and self-esteem.

5. You can speak up

There are times your partner will do or not do things that you may expect them to. If you can be able to ask them for assistance or let them know you are unhappy with something they did, that speaks volumes of how healthy your relationship is.

This means you feel secure enough to open up. It also shows that there are no forbidden topics and you both feel heard without holding back.