October 17, 2024

Independent Dam Panel of Experts – Rwanda Water Resources Board

Program: Muvumba Multipurpose Water Resources Development Program


Project ID No: P-RW-EA0-015

Position: Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE): Geologist/ Geotechnical Expert

Employer: Rwanda Water Resources Board


1. The Government of Rwanda has applied for financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the Muvumba Multipurpose Water Resources Development Program
(Phase 1) and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this loan to payments under the contract for the recruitment of Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) including Dam Design and Safety Specialist, Geologist and Hydrologist.

2. Muvumba Multipurpose Water Resources Development Program (Phase 1) project intends to construct a dam of 30.5m high and it will impound 35 million cubic meter of water in Karama, Gatunda and Rukomo sectors and will supply water for domestic use to Karangazi, Rwimiyaga and Nyagatare sectors. The dam will impound water to be used for domestic water supply, water for irrigation of 7,380 ha (net command area) and water for 16 reservoirs for livestock watering and production of annual energy of 5719 Mwh with installed capacity of 740 KW (370×2). It will also contribute to the flood control. In the framework of smooth implementation of this project, an implementation team is to be established. In this regard the following Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) (Technical Advisors) are required.


3. The purpose of the Panel will be to review and advise Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on matters related to dam safety and other critical aspects of the dam, its appurtenant structures, the catchment area, the reservoir rim, project formulation; technical design; construction procedures; and associated works such as power facility, river diversion during construction. RWB will contract the services of the panel, provide administrative support for the panel’s activities and arrange for semi-annual panel meetings and reviews, which will continue through the investigation, design, construction, and initial filling and start-up phases of the dam. After each meeting, the Panel will provide a report of its conclusions and recommendations, signed by the IDPE Chairperson.

Following the filling of the reservoirs and start-up of the dam and barring significant difficulties, RWB will disband the Panel.

4. The Geology/ Geotechnical Expert shall have a minimum of a Masters’ degree in Civil Engineering (Geology/ Geotechnical Engineering Major) and 15 years proven/demonstrated
professional working experience in dam studies. The Expert will visit the project at as part of the PoE. Specifically, the expert will:

i. enhance RWB technical review capacity on Geological/Geotechnical matters;

ii. attend a joint workshop (organized by RWB) with other panelists to present and discuss
the geological and geotechnical procedures, standards and methodology to be used by
consulting firms contracted for the project;

iii. review the results of geological and geotechnical investigations conducted during
feasibility studies, detailed design and construction supervision and in particular: (1) the
geological foundation conditions for the dam and appurtenant structures with respect to
safety requirements in stability and water tightness; (2) the geological and geotechnical
conditions of the reservoir rim with respect to safety in slope stability and reservoir
tightness; (3) the geo-technical design parameters; (4) foundation treatment design
including drainage and sealing by grouting or other methods; (5) technical specifications
with respect to foundation treatment; (6) construction procedures as well as materials
properties and availability; (7) foundation treatment adoptions as well as adequacy of
treatment during construction; (8) foundation stability and tightness after completion of the project during operation, based on results of safety inspections, and (9) seismic assessment and design parameters. The expert will also advise on measures to amend and improve the aspects/areas needing such amendments/ improvements.


5. The services will be rendered over a period of (6) years from contract signature date. At the beginning of this consultancy, the RWB and each of the consultants shall agree on the
schedule of activities for the entire period. A time-based or other appropriate contract will be used for each of the consultants. Remuneration will be based on (i) agreed upon unit rates multiplied by the actual time/ dates spent by the staff in executing the assignment, and (ii) the reimbursable costs for the missions (excluding the Consultancy Fee).

The Director General, Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) is the designated representative of the Client and will be responsible for work oversight and contract administration.


6. Eligibility is restricted to Member Countries of the African Development Bank only. The
Consultants will be selected as individual consultants in accordance with the African
Development Bank, Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, October 2015.
Interested Consultants are invited to submit resumes and relevant supporting documents by email or physical address to:

Attention: NGABONZIZA Prime
Director General
P.O. Box 6213 Kigali/Rwanda
Email address: tender.afdb@rwb.rw

7. The deadline for receiving the Expressions of Interest (EoI) with updated CVs is by 23/11/2020 at 08: AM GMT (10:00 Kigali Time).