March 12, 2025

Networking Teacher at International Technical School of Kigali (I.T.S KIGALI)


The administration of INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF KIGALI (I.T.S KIGALI) wish to announce teaching vacancy for Networking teacher.

Criteria’s needed.

  1. Must be ICT teacher in networking
  2. Experience from 3 up to 5 years
  3. Having bachelor’s degree in IT (specific in networking)
  4. Having certificate of RTTI
  5. Rwandan or foreigner are acceptable
  6. Must know to use packet tracer windows-server and VMWARE
  7. Additional networking certificate can be so great.

Any one willing can submit his/her document at ITS Kigali reception.

Deadline: 23rd Oct 2023 

Head of Administration

SSEKI Edward