December 22, 2024

Protection Associate – UN Volunteers

Host Entity- UNHCR

Country- Rwanda

Duty Station- Butare (RWA)

Language Skills- English, French, Kinyarwanda

Start Date- 01 February 2021

Duration- until 31 January 2022 with possibility of extension

Application Deadline- 12 February 2021

Minimum age: 22 years old.

Applicants must be nationals of or legal residents in the country of assignment.

Under the direct supervision of Associate Protection Office, the national UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:

    • Draft preliminary assessment for individual case and pesent to Head of protection unit for review and further processing;
    • Morning and evaluate Community based protection partners to ensure community based protection activities are delivery timely to PoCs and enable the referral procedure for dealing with individual case referrals;
    • Conducted protection desk/reception at urban setting and in the camp by Identifying person with specific need and refer them to HI for further assistance;
    • Maintain protection presence through regular field missions and reports, making direct contact with persons of concern, host communities, local authorities and partners. Contribute to ensuring that the response of the Protection Cluster is grounded in an AGD-compliant strategy which covers all assessed and prioritized protection needs of the affected populations;
    • Provide advice on protection issues to persons of concern; liaise with competent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevant documentation;
    • Ensure that UNHCR’s policies, standards and procedures are constantly and coherently applied in the Area of Responsibility (AoR);
    • Assist in ensuring that the needs of persons of concern in the AoR are assessed and analyzed in a participating manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective to form a firm basis for planning;
    • Assist in ensuring that protection incidents and gaps in assistance are immediately identified and addressed;
    • Assist in identifying vulnerable groups or individuals who may need special attention or special arrangements and make recommendations on the needs of different groups of refugees;
    • Contribute to asset mapping of existing public facilities in area of responsibility and share the gathered information with the COVs and supervisor accordingly;
    • Contribute to continuous capacity building of the COVs and participate in various assessments and initiatives (Cash-based interventions, Livelihoods, etc.);
    • Assist, accompany and monitor the activities of the COVs on daily basis.
    • Assist the COVs in case management, referral and reporting;
    • Draft weekly and monthly reports and provide the statistics on case management.
    • Assist in developing and assist in maintaining relations with local authorities ensuring smooth negotiations in all aspects of UNHCR’s mandate for the benefit of refugees;

  • Convey appropriate information to the refugee community as per UNHCR guidelines and take active part in raising community awareness campaigns;
  • Provide orientation for newly identified COVs;
  • Case follow-up in Huye urban programme, as needed based on vulnerabilities identified by partners, executive committee members or other UNHCR staffs;
  • Coordination with partners, monitoring and reporting on implementation of youth activities in Kigeme and Mugombwa camps including Mind leaps project;
  • Assist in identifying durable solutions for the largest possible number of persons of concern through voluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate, resettlement;
  • Undertake other relevant duties as required.

 Bachelor degree or equivalent

Completion of post-secondary Diploma in Law, Social Sciences, or a related field

 24 Months

At least two (2) years of professional work experience,

  • English(Mandatory), Level – Fluent
  • French(Mandatory), Level – Working Knowledge
  • Kinyarwanda(Mandatory), Level – Fluent
 Protection of refugees, asylum seekers and IDPs

At least one (1) year in a refugee protection role involving casework or another client or customer-oriented role.

Demonstrated ability to use Microsoft Office applications, and database software Proficient typing skills Excellent oral and written communication skills Excellent interpersonal skills


Client Orientation

* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first register your profile at
Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special call to which you would like to apply.* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first update your profile at Then go to ‘My Page’ at and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call for to which you would like to apply.

Application deadline: 12 February 2021