March 12, 2025

Scholarship call for application to participate in a research project in the area of transportation engineering and economics

I. Background

The University of Rwanda has signed a subaward agreement with the Carleton University
(Address: Carleton International, 511 Tory Building, 1125 Colonel by Drive, Ottawa, ON,

I. Background

The University of Rwanda has signed a subaward agreement with the Carleton University
(Address: Carleton International, 511 Tory Building, 1125 Colonel by Drive, Ottawa, ON,
K1S 5B6, Canada) to conduct a research on Gendered Design in Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) (GDS). The project has been jointly developed by
researchers from the University of Rwanda and the Rwandan Association for women in
Science and Engineering (RAWISE).

II. Role and description

The overall objective of the “Gender differentials and mobility constraints in urban area
project” is to create a framework providing guidelines to ensure the safety of vulnerable
people, including women, in Kigali transport system. This will be achieved through the
design of a gendered transport ecosystem. The project will start by identifying the existing
transport system opportunities, and fundamental quality determinants that may ensure and
enable a gendered transport system. In addition to this, the project will also identify the
technological and methodological characteristics that would ensure the gendered transport
system and processes and trends that hinders gendered innovation policy in the transport
system. Finally, it will raise awareness among stakeholder and policymakers in the transport sector about the needs of gendered and vulnerability based designed transport.
Students involved in this project will receive a living allowance which will facilitate them in
their studies. They will be involved in the data collection for the project and will be coauthors on the data archiving. Additionally, they will have access to the data for their own future by submitting a formal request/notification to the PI. Their effort will also be
acknowledged in any report and publication co-authored by investigators, that will be the
result of the analysis of the said collected data.

III. Call for application

We call applicants for 4 funded part-time research assistant positions for a duration of six
months starting March 2021.

IV. Funding

The successful candidates will receive an amount of Rfws 50,000 as monthly living allowances for the period of 6 months. Additional benefits include field allowances (mission fee) and any other research expenses following the UR standards/guidelines.

V. Application requirements

(1) Have his/her own smart phone or a tablet;

(2) Be a registered student in transportation Engineering and Economics, School of
Engineering and have at least 6 months left before the completion of your masters studies.

VI. Application file

(1) Application letter addressed to the Director of the Centre Postgraduate Studies at UR with a copy to the Coordinator of postgraduate programme in the School of Engineering CST and to the Project PI;

(2) A curriculum vitae.

(3) A recent passport photo and a copy of ID or passport

VII. Selection methodology

An interview will be organized

VIII. How to apply and key dates

(1) Applicants are requested to send documents as listed above by email to the scholarship
officer ( at UR-CPGS, to Postgraduate coordinator School of Engineering of CST (; and a
copy to (Project PI).

(2) Deadline for application: Friday, 10th March 2021

For more information, contact:

(1) Project PI, Dr Didacienne MUKANYILIGIRA,, Phone: 0788461101

(2) The University scholarship officer Ms. GASHAYIJA UMULISA Gloriose at email: Phone: 0788532939