July 7, 2024

U.S. Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda – Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program ( 2021-2022)

The U.S. Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda, is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. This one-year, fully-funded scholarship program is offered to mid- career professionals working at the policy-level who have a record of leadership, a commitment to public service, and the initiative to take full advantage of a self-defined program of independent study at a leading American university.

The Humphrey Fellowship brings accomplished professionals from developing countries to the United States for a oneyear mid-career program of non-degree study and related professional activities. The program seeks to foster an exchange of knowledge and mutual understanding between Americans and professional counterparts from Rwanda.

Successful applicants will be placed at participating universities for the August 2021—June 2022 academic year.

Fellowships are available in the following fields:

Sustainable Development

a. Agricultural and Rural Development
b. Economic Development/Finance and Banking
c. Natural Resources and Environmental Policy
d. Urban and Regional Planning

Democratic Institution Building

a. Communications/Journalism
b. Law and Human Rights
c. Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
d. Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
e. Technology Policy and Management
f. Human Resource Management


a. Educational Administration, Planning, and Policy
b. Higher Education Administration
c. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language

Public Health

a. Public Health Policy and Management
b. HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
c. Substance Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a Humphrey Fellowship, applicants must have:

· A Bachelor’s degree
· Five years of substantial professional experience
· Demonstrated commitment to public service
· Leadership position with responsibilities providing direct input or impact on policy
· Fluency in English

Application/Selection Process

Interested applicants must complete and submit their applications through the Embark online application system: https://apply.iie.org/huberthhumphrey

Online applications must be completed no later than Friday, July 31, 2020. Applications submitted via email or hard copy will not be considered.

Grant Provisions

The Hubert Humphrey Fellowship provides:

· Round-trip international travel for the grantee

· Tuition and university fees

· Settling-in and monthly maintenance allowances

· Funding for books and professional activitie

· The Humphrey Program doe s not provide financial support for accompanying dependents

Questions about the Humphrey Fellowship Program can be addressed to U.S. Embassy Kigali by email at KigaliPublicAffairs@state.gov.

Check the 2021-2022 Humphrey call for Application (PDF 320 KB) for more details about the requirements, and how to register.