March 12, 2025


Hello, I am 22 years old…So I have been dating this guy for the last six months and to be honest at first it was all good…the guy has a kid and a baby mama…I respect that and on several occasions I have met her..So lately I came to find out that he still sleeps with her and acts as if nothing like that happened. To make matters worse, one day we had an argument and he lied to me that he was going to see his elder brother but instead went back to his ex and cheated on me with her and all he could say was all men do cheat….now today he has shown me a picture of another child that he has and he has never told me about it..I don’t know if I am too good for him because on several occasions he’s disrespected me and all along I’ve been loyal to him and I feel unappreciated and that I deserve better, I just don’t know what to do…I feel like I am not getting what I want in man. I love this man soo much despite his bad deeds to me, It has been something hard for me to end this relationship and it is really destroying my life soo much. Please advise me on what I can do after all what happened to me.